Monday, July 23, 2007

What I've discovered....

I must admit that I was rather sceptical before attending this session - sceptical in an ignorant kinda way (which I guess is the worst type of sceptic to be). It's not that I didn't see value in elearning for other organisations, just that I was not convinced I would be able to find any place for this in our business.

Well I must say - less that one week later and I have created a wikispace at the request of some clients in South East Queensland who wanted me to facilitate a collaborative effort for human resource professionals ( - feel free to join in). I also created a blog - which I then deleted, intentionally. I didn't realise that blogs were a one way street and I'm not that inhebriated by the verbosity of my own exuberance (as my husband would say) - direct translation "I'm not yet drunk on the lound sounds of my own enthusiasm". But I'm not finished yet - I've also created an online doodle site for my management students and have already tested podcasts with video and sound. And all this inbetween my normal work load, feeding children and pets and doing laundry. Isn't it amazing how much you can get achieved when you really put your mind to it.

Loving this stuff. I now want to change my title to E-Learning Guru but I think I have a way to go yet.
Bring it on.


Val Evans said...

Wow - you have really been applying the learning Sharong - well done! If you've done all that after the first workshop, imagine what will be happening by the end of the 10 week online program. Great effort!

Julia said...

I finally found the time to get in and look at the blog (wow I actually used the word in a sentence). Very interesting.

Natalie said...
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Natalie said...

Hi everyone. I am looking forward to our next session. I have been looking at publishing an internal newsletter and after our last session now considering whether to use a Blog or Wiki. Does anybody have suggestions or comments on pros or cons on this?

Val Evans said...

Great to see more of you popping in and having a go. Good question too Natalie - lets see if anyone has any ideas for you before Thursday's session.